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How to Stay Connected WITHOUT Zoom

Long before COVID’s social distancing, as a global organization we explored various ways to stay connected and build teams cross continents and cultural identities. We continually look for technologies that provide real-time activities, contact integration, have a share button on the summary page, or other features that manage social interactions.

Be Intentional About Setting the Mood

By sharing our Spotify playlists, we have pump-up songs before important client meetings, hype music to set the tone of the day, soothing tunes to wind down together. Similar to Brookstone's Friendship Lamps, even our most introverted team members can express their mood by changing the color of their status icon (Green= Good, Yellow= Preoccupied, Purple= Stress or Frustrated, Red= Send Help).

Infuse Education in a Community of Practice

With an educational spin, we listen to business podcasts, have a virtual book club, and host synchronized watch parties on a variety of topics from business-themed movies to critiquing our in-house productions. Tutturu, Syncplay, and Watch2gether are a few popular video syncing / screen sharing apps, but Plex VR takes the experience to a whole new level with a shared virtual loft apartment and drive-in theatre.

A Team that Exercises Together Stays Healthy Together

BONUM takes wellness in the workplace seriously. Those who have access, use their Pelotons to bike together and boost friendly competitions. Our runners complete marathons together using Strava. Others take real-time fitness classes on Facebook live stream.

And it’s all tied together on a Whatapp group chat where we keep score, send memes, and share the highs and lows of pandemic worklife with ease, across platforms and counties. Whatapp provides a more causal environment, separate from our client focused communications.

BONUM does not endorse and has not received compensation for the applications mentioned in the post above.


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